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Principal's Welcome: Leadership, Vision, and Community at Queen Palmer Elementary

Picture of Christina Butcher the Principal at Queen Palmer Elementary

Dear Queen Palmer Families,

If you are new to the Queen Palmer family, you just entered into a very special school. Queen Palmer is a close-knit educational community that promotes the academic and social development of all students in a safe, friendly environment. Queen Palmer is recognized by the Colorado Department of Education as a Performance School. We are ranked 2nd in CMAS for elementary at 71.2% scoring proficient or above. We have Panda PRIDE expectations at Queen Palmer:  EXCEL with PRIDE. Ask your child and they will be able to tell you what it means to be a Panda! We are a Capturing Kids Hearts National Showcase School that embraces the importance of student empowerment and relationships.

I am honored and humbled to be the principal of Queen Palmer. I am proud to serve the community in this capacity. This fall will be my 25th year in Colorado Springs School District 11 as a Title I Teacher, math coach, Title I K-12 Instructional Coach, Assistant Principal, and Principal. My family comes from a military background. Colonel Butcher, my husband, is a veteran in the United States Air Force. We have 4 children; Taiyah 21, Kennedy 26, Alessander 29, and Amanda 32. My father is a veteran, serving 24 years in the United States Army. We spent several years overseas where I attended DoDEA schools from Seoul, Korea, my mother’s home country, to Wurzburg, Germany. The core values of the military is entrenched in the core values of respect, honor, courage, and integrity. Our students learn these core values during our daily Morning Meetings, because it’s part of our vision and mission. We are Queen Palmer, we EXCEL with PRIDE!

Our dedicated staff is here to support 240 plus students and families. Queen Palmer students experience daily core curriculum; Wonders Literacy, Eureka Math, Writers Workshop, Social Studies Alive, hands-on kit-based Science, Art, PE, Music, Band and Orchestra (4th and 5th grade), Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), Library and Technology. Each student is provided with a technology device for school use. Every kindergarten and first grade student utilizes an iPad as a supplemental tool for learning. Students in grades 2nd-5th grade use a laptop, allowing Queen Palmer to have a one-to-one technology program to enhance students’ 21st century skills- skills needed in an information age. Our before and after-school programs specialties are; Early Birds morning tutoring, STEAM/Robotics/Sphero Club, Kindness Club, YES! Club, Kids in Motion (Jazz/Modern Dance and Hip Hop), Art Cub, Sports Challenge, Kids on Bikes, Leadership and Learning Academy (LALA) with USAFA cadets, co-ed basketball team, and the list of club activities goes on!

Parents/ guardians are always welcome at our school. We view our parents/guardians as equal partners in providing our Queen Palmer students with meaningful and educational experiences. Furthermore, we encourage you to become active participants in school programs and classroom activities.  There are many ways to support your child(ren), such as volunteering to help in the classroom, joining Coffee with a Christina/PTO team, or attending one of our many school programs. We certainly understand many of you lead busy lives, and it is often difficult to volunteer at school. Just as important as volunteering is a nightly routine of reading to your child, talking about their day, and getting them prepared for the next day of school.

I am thrilled to be part of the Queen Palmer family! I invite you to join our teaching and learning community as we work together to best serve our students.  Please feel free to contact me any time if you have a suggestion, concern, or just a "good story" to share!  I look forward to working with you and your family!

With a smile,

Mrs. Christina Butcher